At the same time capitalism has built almost everything we have.
Almost everything I can see and touch has been delivered by a for-profit business operating in a capitalist society
There’s a couple ways to interpret these statements.
Are you talking about innovation, progress, invention? Realistically, no. Occasionally capitalists put enough resources in the right hands that somebody working under capitalists manages to invent something good, but most real innovation doesn’t happen without government funding. Capitalists are very hesitant to risk their capital on the kind of critical R&D that is necessary to make progress. Even when it happens under capitalism, there’s no reason to think that capitalist control of the market caused it to happen - any system that gives creative people the time and resources to work on things will have as good results, at least, and it’s easy to construct a system that gives that time and resources to more creative people, with fewer bosses interfering and squashing anything that’s not seen as profitable. Capitalism is, though, very good at capturing and controlling innovation, sometimes even just killing existing innovations outright - see “embrace, extend extinguish”.
Are you talking about manufacture and delivery of final products? Sure, under capitalist systems, of course it’s all done by capitalism, as other options aren’t available, or at least, aren’t given any room. If somebody builds a fence around the lake that everyone fishes in, and takes over the fish and sells them to people who used to catch their own, do you praise that person for providing fish? Do you think landlords are providing housing?
Capitalism isn’t just commerce. Capitalism is an antidemocratic economic trait, where the production and distribution of goods, services, and information is controlled by unelected, private owners of capital. Does it “destroy everything we build” as the person you were replying to said? No, not everything, but it does destroy a lot, and control and pervert most of what’s left. 1 year ago
If you don’t want it to get personal then don’t fight common Lemmy hyperbole with what is known to be a talking point of the “everything that I don’t like is communism” dude bros.
Hell , I agree with everything you said. I like what you said. Seeing someone with my exact views that comes from a place where it happens warms the cockles of my heart. Maybe in the sub cockles. Maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys. Maybe even in the colon, I don’t know.
Maybe I’m a little sensitive because I live in a place where what you said is the lie we’re told every day. I watch the kind of people who say it and wonder when they’re going back to jail for meth or stealing a car. I go back to my hometown and watch the people there say that through their single tooth and really believe it. They can’t get better mouth bone care because they can’t afford it, but they’re sure robber barons will fix it.
So if I came off as an ass, I apologize. I deal with those people every fucking day of my life and have for over 4 decades.