Comment on Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024 ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’ve tried so many times. I went ahead and checked out feedly right now just to have them change my mind, and they failed miserably. You run into paywall issues right away, they don’t list pretty major newspapers I would assume to have rss, and adding something like business insider or the independent gives you so much dung mixed with the things you are actually interested in.

Let’s say I’m into business, but don’t want car related news? What if I’m into investing yet don’t want to hear about Trump?

If there was something like “more like this”/“less like this” function, then maybe, but just at a glance, one of many, I don’t see how it could present me with the info I want in the structure I want.

Global events and news Economical trends on both macro and micro level for specific domains
Exclude entertainment, sports, fashion, drama Update every hour Total headlines max 30 per day Max visible 7 at a time.

Adding any RSS feed is like getting an information enema with raisins sprinkled in.
