Comment on Need help understanding how to get around port-forwarding with tailscale 1 year ago
Will other people have to install tailscale too if they want to join my servers?
Yes if you use Tailscale VPN (with or without subnet routers), this makes a private network.
No if you use Tailscale Funnel, as this exposes your service to the internet.
Tailscale Funnel does only seem to support TCP though, so games that use UDP will not work with it.
Here’s a list of tunnels, but it’s not clear which ones support UDP: 1 year ago
Thanks for linking that, seems like a great resource! Seems like there’s a few that support UDP although I’m not sure if they will work with a CGNAT setup, also their setup seems a bit more complicated and technical than expected but I need to look more into it tomorrow. If everyone else needs to have this installed then that might be an issue 1 year ago
Yeah my ISP uses CGNAT for residential as well, and I just ended up buying a static IP for the $5 a month to get rid of that issue. 1 year ago
I was really hoping there was something like hamachi/xfire/garena from the old days but modernized and more stable 😅 I just assumed it’d be a solved problem by now.
I’m not giving up on tailscale yet, I’ll try the funnel feature but yeah… seems a bit troublesome for sure 1 year ago
Tailscale VPN is pretty similar to how Hamachi worked, Zerotier is another similar option.