I specifically had to set things up in the BIOS so that it would never enter any efficient power/sleep states
This is most likely why you’re running at 100W all the time. No need to further measure anything. Reset your BIOS to defaults, update the OS and you should be good.
tomten@lemmy.world 11 months ago
There is an issue with ryzen and certain PSUs that when it goes to idle it pulls so little power that the psu thinks it’s off and kills the power, it can appear as a hang. there should be an option in the bios to change it to “typical power” or named something similar.
nopersonalspace@lemmy.world 11 months ago
Oh interesting, that sound plausible. I’ll check out the bios and see if I can find that setting. Thanks!
tomten@lemmy.world 11 months ago
It’s called power supply idle control, worth a test.