Comment on how to access nextcloud outside LAN? 1 year ago
Please set up Tailscale or a Wireguard VPN before you start forwarding ports on your router.
Your configuration as you have described it so far is setting yourself up for a world of hurt, in that you are going to be a target for hackers from literally the entire world. 1 year ago
Don’t you mean instead of? If all the OP wants to do is access next cloud, they can do it over the VPN without forwarding ports. What you’re suggesting is just adding yet another attack vector (the VPN itself) 1 year ago
Realistically, yes. But it’s a phrase and it’s important that they start doing that first. Maybe it’s their intention to do it publicly.
Also, sure, but a Wireguard installation is going to be much more secure than a Nextcloud that you aren’t sure if it’s configured correctly. And Tailscale doubly so. 1 year ago
I understand that, and it’s a good suggestion and a better solution if it fits the OPs use case. I don’t understand suggesting they do both. Either VPN or port forwarding solve the problem, doing both seems unnecessary.