That's vanilla VF1, right? So... disappointed and mildly concerned?
Comment on Running my Sega Saturn. 1 year ago
wish you to feel like the first time you played it 1 year ago 1 year ago
you were disappointed and mildly concerned at the sight of the very first 3d fighting game? wow… 1 year ago
Oh, no, I had my entire world redefined at the sight of the first 3D fighting game... when I played it in arcades the year prior.
The launch version for the Saturn was... a different story. Again, by the time I was able to get my hands on a Saturn the version they were bundling was VF Remix instead, which again, mind blown, entire path in life significantly impacted, so I've always been morbidly curious about vanilla. 1 year ago
ok my bad. legend in town was that inside coin ops there was saturn hw. but who knows… this is maybe true for me, and not for you. 1 year ago
Why thanks! Segasatan, Shiro!