First apartments suggested somewhere on Avito are usually nicer ones for a short term rent to party, guest stay in city or whatever. A shitty room in a soviet-made building when you talk to an owner directly can cost you way less than 30k. Again, VK groups or some limits by price would serve you better.
Being poor is being smart about money. If you need a place just to sleep and browse internet and don’t mind walking around to find a better deal on groceries, you can leave dirty cheap.
It won’t up to the living standards, but if you genuinelly want to escape your mother, maybe even that’s worth it.
I also remembered the other job – month-long shifts in the northern part of the country that pay well even for the simpliest labor. But you need to be fit for that idea and be double sure it wouldn’t send you to dug trenches. 1 year ago
You can complain about “ceiling” and you can complain about medium salary. But all of this complaining does not get you anywhere.
You can start somewhere and earn something, or do not start and earn nothing.