The chance of success is impressive, but it’s just correlation to wealth in the family. From Microsoft over cloud flare, Amazon to tesla each and every one of those successful men had a rich daddy.
Comment on Elon Musk demands another huge payday from Tesla
ShindangAp 1 year ago
There's all these things that people say about how he's garbage and does nothing right, but the guy has managed to be involved with the project that made it easy to make payments over the internet, and then went on to be behind the most successful electric car and, of course, there's also SpaceX...
I have no idea about the details behind this other than what a Redditor coworker who totally negs on Elon has told me - all this inside baseball at PayPal that seems unflattering, and, of course, the persistent accusations that he brings nothing to the table...
But does lightening really strike thrice like that? IDK. Plus I am sympathetic to his desire to make X more free speech friendly - he isn't completely consistent in this, but it is better than what came before.
I am just going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this - not in saying that he absolutely deserves this raise, but in saying that he has a right to ask for it without being laughed out of the room. 1 year ago
ShindangAp 1 year ago
Not wrong at all - it's also the case that the guy who founded Netflix had dozens of sticks in the fire - lots of failed enterprises he was trying out elsewhere, and this one just hit. He didn't even come up with the model, really, for Netflix.... he's just a privileged venture capitalist.
But what does that mean for us? Obviously, I wish it was me with the generational wealth, and not them. Obviously, I would prefer for 10,000 people to be lifted out of generational poverty in the Congo than to create more millionaires... But I treat the super wealthy capitalists tossing around massive wealth like this as something I do not have the right to do much about other than taxing them at a higher rate.
When they deliver good products by creating companies that utilize a lot of talent, I clap.
I think it is the case that technology and the mass production of goods will do more to alleviate poverty than anything else...
I mean, you go to poor countries now and even the poor people have access to a wealth of information and such through their non-flag smartphones you've never heard of. That's just wonderful. It has also assisted us by letting us see what is going on in Gaza first hand. So, all these billionaires & multimillionaire investors have actually contributed to society through the decades by bringing us to a point where even fairly poor people in India or Iran can not just enjoy having internet access and a smartphone, but can also use it to report on corruption and undermine corrupt & terrible governments. 1 year ago
Nah. 1 year ago
This is a joke, right? He brings back nazis under the guise of “free speech” while also doing this: X / Twitter purges then reinstates journalists, podcasters, and leftist accounts critical of Elon Musk.
ShindangAp 1 year ago
Right, he isn't entirely consistent.
But it is also not the case that he is bringing back literal Nazis - last I checked Jared Taylor was not reinstated, Andrew Anglin is nowhere to be seen, and Kanye West was banned after his remarks. I think the list goes on- every once in a while you do see the Nazis complaining about this because, of course, it isn't hard to stay on that platform... Which si also why it's silly he didn't bring Jared Taylor back on - he was not removed because he said any slurs or was obscene, but was simply removed by Dorsey and the gang because he is an open "race realist."
Of course, I was flabbergasted when I saw that they would treat "from the river to the sea" as a call to genocide on X, and I really felt like he completely dropped the ball there. Nonetheless, it was a general improvement, though it is not what I would have envisioned. 1 year ago
(Besides just the fact that it’s not true. There are plenty of alternate reality stories where the Nazis won; they just don’t like those because they’re still the bad guys. 1 year ago
Just in case you needed evidence of alt-right racism on Twitter, here’s some from today.
ShindangAp 1 year ago
OH yeah, there's stuff like that on there now, which i agree should be allowed on platforms. I believe in free speech. This stuff is not persuasive - it's not detrimental to anybody that it exists.
My point is that major figures on the far right are still banned. It's hypocritical of Musk to some degree, especially in the case of Taylor, but this is also the sort of thing that you should be kind of satisfied with, isn't it? Yes, he allows no name accounts to post stuff like that, but the people who actually have a following are off.