It mainly depends on the space available in the case of whatever you want to convert. If there’s a lot of space you just get a larger USB-C PD converter board with nice soldering points for the cables. The less space available the smaller the module you need to get, up to worst case trying to do your own.
Comment on USB-PD is a de-facto low-power DC voltage standard, with USB-C being the universal plug. Hurray! 1 year agoHow difficult is it to retrofit that into older devices? Because I’d love to get rid of my.“Miscellaneous Power Cords/Adapters” box on my storage shelf. 1 year ago 1 year ago
pretty easy, if soldering is easy:
(first result from amazon, not endorsement:…/B08LDJBN8P) 1 year ago
If you can solder and heat shrink then search for “usb c trigger board” on ebay and get some for like $5. They will request either 5v, 9v, 12v, 15v or 20v. I’ve found for most older battery powered barrel jack devices a voltage that is an little under spec works just fine. Ive convertered everything in my house and now own a nice USB PD battery bank, life is good.