My machines are in a disconnected garage. There’s no hearing the beep. And the wash time varies due to load size, to the point that the estimate on the screen isn’t very accurate, so seeing a timer isn’t great either.
I have never bothered to connect them to wifi yet, though. But a phone notification would have is uses.
a kitchen timer or a timer on your phone will be close enough. set it for your own estimate based on experience when you get back in the house from stuffing a load in the washer. 11 months ago
My machines are in a disconnected garage. There’s no hearing the beep. And the wash time varies due to load size, to the point that the estimate on the screen isn’t very accurate, so seeing a timer isn’t great either.
I have never bothered to connect them to wifi yet, though. But a phone notification would have is uses. 11 months ago
That makes sense. My inlaws have theirs hooked to alexa and the machines are the next room over from their living room. Seems like a little over kill. 11 months ago
a kitchen timer or a timer on your phone will be close enough. set it for your own estimate based on experience when you get back in the house from stuffing a load in the washer.