It won’t work with modern apps in about 3 or 4 years, or even if it does, it’ll be so slow, it would prsctically be unusable.
I have an Asus Zenfone 3 Max from 2016. It has 8 cores @ 900MHz and 3GB of RAM. I only use it for BT auido streaming (play music on modified audio system from the 90’s), that’s it. It can play YT videos at Full HD, but searching and acreen flipping is so slow, it’s practically unusable. Everything is generally slow on it, even browsing. It takes like 10+ seconds to load a more complex page (with media). Sorry, but that’s unusable to me. 1 year ago
The S5 is from 2014 which this year makes 10 years.
Pons_Aelius says: “the device is practically unusable after that, even if it’s still working.”
You say: “Not if you can change the battery”
AND THEN YOU GO ON to tell that your 10 year old phone is working but practically unusable, confirming in the most spectacular way, that Pons was right all along, even matching your very on experience to the point and date! And you still started your argument against it.
It’s amazing really. Bravisimo.