This blog post mentions that it should be possible at least!
Im currently using their free tier for a hobby project and have been happy with it. Have considered moving over to self hosting the solution, but have been keeping off on it due to resource contraints, but might make the leap soon! Would be nice to get use of the uptime pings, which currently would fill the event way too quickly for the free tier. 1 year ago
Hello, I’m the lead dev of GlitchTip. Fun to see it mentioned here. Source maps are supported. I wish I had time to make the feature easier to use and write better docs. Contributions are welcome. It’s very much a hobby project for the little time I have after work and family. Right now all of my attention is on an event ingest rewrite to work with fewer resources. 1 year ago
Nice to see you on here! I understand the lack of time - I’ve got some projects I’ve had on hold for years because of time constraints. I’m definitely going to try Glitchtip.
If I get some free time, I’ll see if I can write some docs about using source maps for JS apps. Sounds like it works in the same way as Sentry’s does.
It was a great idea for GlitchTip to reuse the Sentry SDKs and CLI, because their SDKs are solid. They’ve got the best .NET SDK out of all of the error logging systems I evaluated two years ago which is why I was using Sentry. Unfortunately, Sentry has become significantly heavier over those two years.