The only people who have any interest in buying this cheap/overpriced foreign-manufactured landfill are the weirdos with 3 Australian flags hanging out of their Commodore rear door windows.
Nowadays, those weirdos would be more inclined to purchase Red Ensign flags under the ironically mistaken belief that they represent Sovereign Citizenship. They should not be celebrating Australia Day, although I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some of these nutjobs celebrating Invasion Day as a victory over the Indigenous nations of Australia. 1 year ago
what society defines as moral isn’t “ridiculous stuff”… pressure is one of the only tools we have to ensure companies behave morally
i’m not saying this is moral or not, but (and i’m about to make a reducto ad absurdium argument so we can pull it back after) we should absolutely boycott any retailer that sells nazi flags, right?
given that the answer to that question - from most people - would be a resounding yes, there’s certainly a line in the sand… for some people, australia day sits on that same side of the line 1 year ago
You don’t have to only use the stuff for a single day you know? 1 year ago
you don’t, but all of these are cheap garbage themed products that only last for a single day, even if you were okay with being cringe-worthy enough to use them on other days