Comment on trending hack sending emails about a support ticket 1 year ago
Where seeing it as well. I’m unsure what the scam is. The ticket systems we saw don’t have any obvious connection to our industry. It is a lot of noise, but it wasn’t like a coverup spam, because it hit multiple users in the org at once. Really a strange thing. 1 year ago
i assume something just got popular with script kiddies, but i want to know what it is and what systems it effects so i can know if I’m protected or not.
gonna keep looking at least as long as i keep seeing this happening 1 year ago
Do yours have an account CC’d? Both cases we have seen have had a different account CC’d. 1 year ago
not sure if all of them did, but some did for sure. off looking address too 1 year ago
Thanks, that helps. Isharedt this with the community to see if anyone else is seeing it.