Comment on Thousands of Software Engineers Say the Job Market Is Getting Much Worse 1 year ago
I would say the general job market is getting worse 🤔
Comment on Thousands of Software Engineers Say the Job Market Is Getting Much Worse 1 year ago
I would say the general job market is getting worse 🤔 1 year ago
Unemployment has been under 4% for a record time. The boomers are all leaving faster than zoomers can get hired. Tech outsourcing is increasingly seen as a path to managerial failure, as these cheapo firms fail to produce real value and talented professionals run circles around their shitty products. And we’re experiencing something of an industrial renaissance in the US, thanks to the battery boom.
The job market is as good as its been since at least the Bush Era and the Jobless Recovery. It just sucks because working conditions generally speaking have deteriorated so heavily from the 70s-era nadar.