Separating late-period from early period Discovery doesn’t really work.
So your contention is that the third and fourth seasons of Discovery are a prequel to…something?
Picard is still a relatively hard se-quel, which resonates with the essence of my argument
Which makes it a prequel? Your argument is that the default setting is “prequel.”
But okay, prequels are bad and sequels are bad, so I guess we need to pick one episode of “old Trek,” and all future series and films should occur simultaneously with that episode. 1 year ago
I want to watch the crew of a time ship, one that has to fix problems around the universe. They could go anywhere, probably lots of Q, cameos abound…
There was an episode on Voyager where Red from That 70s Show was trying to fix things in time and kept not getting the results he wanted or expected. I want a limited series of that with a ton more references to previous episodes/movies.