The people that most need to wear a silencing mask are the same people that will fight tooth and nail to not have to wear it. Expecting them to voluntarily do so is crazy.
Comment on This startup is bringing a 'voice frequency absorber' to CES 2024 | TechCrunch 11 months ago
” Called the “Mobility Privacy Mask” and “Hybrid Silent Mask,” the face-worn accoutrements are designed to “absorb voice frequencies” in noisy environments like plains, trains and rideshares, Hersen says.
“Skyted’s solution is ideal for commuters, business executives and travelers anywhere,” Hersen is quoted as saying in a press release. “No matter how busy or public the location is, they can now speak in silence and with the assurance that no one nearby can hear their conversation.”
Saved you a click 11 months ago 11 months ago
Really cool sounding tech. Wonder how well it works, I would really love having something like this at work for when I need to make sensitive calls or even when I’m just venting to myself at my desk about a dipshit coworker/client. 11 months ago
It’s all passive sound absorbing materials that have been around for decades. 11 months ago
There are two groups of people worried snot being listened to in public. Conspiracy theorists wouldn’t trust the tech behind this, not probably even cell phones. Executives likely to use such a device aren’t using public transit.
Everyone else would be voluntarily using such a device to make things quieter for others, and the last time we tried to get people to wear a mask to benefit others was a huge failure and the consequences were far greater.
No one is going to buy this. 11 months ago
Disagree, my role requires attendance and participation in business calls constantly, and it’s not a very unique role at a company. Being able to do so in public places or traveling would be useful often, depending on how cumbersome this is to wear.
Additionally I could see this being very useful with sales folks, essentially any role with talking as a main component.
Now in its initial form it may be unwieldy but future iterations, if it can be slimmed down and/or add additional capabilities there is for sure use cases. Even with the general public being able to call family/friends on your commute home would be useful I would think. 11 months ago
Yes they are. Probably not in the country that calls it transit, mind. And lots of people would like to be able to have more private conversations in public, whether or not they’re travelling at the time.
Plus, I’ve seen a lot of threads over the years from gamers, or the people who have to live with them, looking for something exactly like this.