Thank you for that. I could have sworn I read about this over a decade ago.
Comment on A gel injected into the scrotum could be the next male contraceptive 1 year agoThey have been using this successfully on primates for about two decades. While there are potentially complications with EVERY medical procedure; this is a significantly safer, cheaper, and more effective means of reversible mechanical birth control than anything that has ever been done before. It is truly a revolutionary technology that will no doubt change human civilization. 1 year ago 1 year ago
It is truly a revolutionary technology that will no doubt change human civilization.
I loled. 1 year ago
Laugh all you want. If you don’t think cheap, effective, reversible, and essentially painless mechanical contraception for men won’t dramatically change society then you’re a special kind of ignorant. 1 year ago
Ah yes, I'm the ignorant one. You people have no clue what's coming for us if you think this has any sort of relevancy. And even in your utopia fantasies this would absolutely not change society in any meaningful way. It's just freaking contraception. 1 year ago
It’s just freaking contraception.
Your own ignorance gives you away, just as I said before. Contraception was arguably one of the single most important technological innovations in human history. It completely changed and restructured the sociological paradigm of human society forever, prompted the sexual revolution, gave women freedom and independence from the shackles of patrilineal history so they could help reforge society into something more equitable.
You sir, are a fucking imbecile if you can’t see the beautiful simplicity of male contraception changing the psychological paradigm in any meaningful way, and teaching men (albeit better, more enlightened men than you) the value of personal responsibility for their sexuality.
By the way, I’m not some gender studies enthusiast or anything of the like. I’m just smart enough to understand the basic principals of freedom and determination that come from controlling one’s own body & destiny. Go read a fucking book or something, educate yourself. 1 year ago
I mean, as a man, even if it’s tested and 99% safe it just sounds weird. If it’s not a pill or a regular injection I can’t see many men lining up for a scrotum filling.