Humor and art are vastly different than spreading eagle with a black censor bar covering your shit, or drooling and licking a microphone ear to help the incels rub one out.
Please don’t insult artists, comedians, or any other talent with comparisons to that. 1 year ago
You start allowing this type of sexual content and the place turns into a porn site. It’s what we saw, where you scroll down the more popular streams and it’s all sexual content.
Especially on a website with a lot of young people, it just isn’t right. Leave that stuff for the cam sites. 1 year ago
Nah. Even before any crackdown, Twitch was still a primarily about streaming games.
Young children shouldn’t be in chats with strangers period, but that’s not treated as a concern. Nor do people mind if they watch GTA or Mortal Kombat, or slots.
This is not really about concerns over what sort of content children are being exposed to, it’s the same old “won’t you please think of the children” cheap moral panic of always, The outrage that if a kid sees a booby they are basically defiled forever. Then the kid goes and sees a booby anyway, in some M-rated game that is streamed with no restrictions. You can even find people drawing NSFW art,
Rather than dancing around how much sexual content to allow, in what form, from who, maybe they could simply be thorough with age verification.
On top of that there’s some weird gamer outrage that if the main appeal of a streamer is not a game, they are unworthy “manipulative thots”. The incel talk you see in this sort of threads is crazy. 1 year ago
Didnt have to scroll down at all.
last time I opened most the suggested streams were women either doing fake toplessness by wearing like a tube top that was just out of frame, or actually fucking naked and hiding it with hands/tape/paper towel tubes/what the fuck over.
If I want to see that shit, theres a thousand and one porn sites I can easily and quickly see it on.
I’m on twitch to see people play interesting games and be entertaining.
Not to watch some dumb thots try to get 13 year olds to steal their parents credit cards to rack up only fans sales.