Comment on Not that difficult to buy a home in UK, claims NatWest chair 1 year ago
I guess, personally, I just feel like a lot of these incredibly rich and obviously out of touch old men are just totally irrelevant to normal daily life for most people. It’s pointless to publish news like this, because it’s just obviously meant to rile people up in some vague way and I guess somehow that generates money for the Guardian?
I just don’t understand why we have to hear about what these irrelevant, hopefully soon-departed losers think. Who cares? 1 year ago
Because these are the people who rule over us. With all the information in the world at their fingertips, they remain willfully ignorant. Apparently unable to recall what they pay their cleaners or work out what annual salary the minimum wage equates to.
Meet the rich
Neither the Guardian nor Polly Toynbee are agitating for revolution, of course. They cling to the belief that information will solve everything. They’re liberals, it’s what they do.
But they’re right, we should be angry. And the abject ignorance of the very wealthy should be highlighted at every opportunity. These are not credible people and their lack of credibility matters.