Comment on Exposing Myself (with Filebrowser) 1 year ago
When you tried caddy and received an error, that looks like you are getting the wrong image name.
Then you mentioned deleting caddyfile as the configuration didn’t work. But, if I am following correctly the caddyfile wouldn’t yet be relevant if the caddy container hadn’t actually ran.
Pulling from Caddys docs, you should just need to run
$ docker run -d -p 80:80 \ -v $PWD/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile \ -v caddy_data:/data \ caddy
Where $PWD is the current directory the terminal is currently in.
Further docs for then configuring for HTTPs you can find here under
Automatic TLS with the Caddy image 1 year ago
I have not tried caddy through docker yet, just running it through a windows command line with admin priv. I’m looking into doing it with Docker, just haven’t started yet.
I will remember how familiar you are with docker!