Google Pay support
I can not comprehend this. Ditching Google is why I earn for alternatives to stock Android.
Comment on GrapheneOS, a privacy-focused version of Android, is adding Android Auto support 1 year ago
I’d have rather seen Google Pay support than Android Auto though I imagine it’s a lot less feasible.
Google Pay support
I can not comprehend this. Ditching Google is why I earn for alternatives to stock Android.
Here’s an example and why I’m not on a custom ROM. My job has “restaurant credit” as one of the benefits. That’s 200 euros a month in a card that can only be used through Google/Apple pay.
So either I skip the money or I need a second phone with me all the time.
It may be possible to convince them to offer that another way, if you care about software freedom and they care about what you value.
That’s very short sighted of you. I value my privacy, but 200 euros a month for using a custom ROM it’s a very expensive price. My company values me, but it’s a large company and making exceptions like this is an accountant s nightmare, specially for a benefit that’s not even part of my contract.
If the number in the username is a zip code, they don’t care.
Privacy isn’t a binary choice. Obviously I would love for there to be an alternative to Google Pay but no such service exists.
The most private form of payment is to use cash but that’s just hugely inconvenient in 2024. Sometimes it would be nice to be able to pay from my phone when I don’t have my wallet on me but custom ROMs don’t allow it.
Strive for the future you want, reject bad choices where you can.
I’ve never paid via my phone. If I could replace debit card with cash I would. 1 year ago
Google would have to approve the OS by whitelisting it 1 year ago
Would they? Why? I’m asking as I’m unaware of what restrictions are in place for it to work. 1 year ago
They would not. Best case scenario is that you can trick Google into thinking your decide/OS is legit. It’s of no benefit to them to in any way compromise the security of their highly sensitive payments app. 1 year ago
Rephrased my initial message. 1 year ago
Because it requires full safetynet compliance