Comment on Today's web is the opposite of what early Internet utopians had in mind. Now the situation is somewhat similar climate change: even committed activists can no longer turn the tide for the better. ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I’ve been saying this for years. The internet was better when you had to be a little bit more intelligent to access it.

Back when you needed knowledge of computers and software, modems, anti-virus, hardware etc to access the net, it kind of meant you needed a brain in your head to gain access. I’m not saying that made the internet an overtly-intelligent space, but it was more intelligent and measured than it is today.

As soon a smart phones and data plans entered the game, you could be as dumb as a second coat of paint and gain access with a single button. That opened the flood gates for stupidity. Now the internet is just a dumpster fire full of retards.
