Comment on If only it was like that 1 year agoWell TECHNICALLY it’s not based on the state change of water.
It’s based on the formula C = K - 273.15 where K = 1.380649×10−23/(6.62607015×10−34)(9192631770) * hΔν[Cs]/k
So even MORE abstract and unrelatable 1 year ago
This makes no sense. K is not a constant. Is there a variable in there?
Temperature is a measure of entropy. It depends on the disorder in a system somehow. 1 year ago
Temperature isn’t a measure of entropy, but the internal energy of a system. Internal energy is the total energy sum of kinetic and thermal and gravitational energy.
You might wonder how that’s calculated, and the short answer? It isn’t. We rarely look at the actual value. This also goes for enthalpy and entropy. What matters most of the time is the difference in enthalpy/entropy/energy. If you take a look at various enthalpy numbers across textbooks and software and steam tables, you’ll see the value vary significantly depending on what they use as their 0 point. No matter where the scale starts though, the difference between two distinct points will remain the same. 1 year ago
I honestly am not sure what you’re confused about. The definition I gave is the SI definition of Kelvin & Celsius since 2019.…/definitions-si-base-units 1 year ago
From what I can tell, you’re using definition of the units? In that case K doesn’t equal that equation, but it is in units of that equation. 1 year ago
I’m not sure of the semantic difference. When I think “a meter is the distance travelled by light in X seconds” I think m = c/299792458 s, same with Kelvin.