This is the end game for corporations in a capitalist economy. You start with a bunch of little companies. They eventually winnow themselves out until there’s only a few companies. Those companies then form a monopoly or a cartel and then they dictate prices to the consumers. All the while they’re decreasing their costs and providing the least amount of product for the highest price.
It’s a race to the bottom. Unfortunately this system is all we’ve got. 1 year ago
Of course it’s bullshit. The sky always has to be falling of Faux News, that’s how they keep the viewers scared, angry, and watching.
MSN puts it at about $50:…/ar-AA1ldFjI
Even Snopes puts it at about $50 (last year’s pricing):…/kevin-groceries-home-alone-cost-toda…
So Fox, as usual, is full of fearmongering shit.