Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
I am dumb. What would cops want with my prescription information? I’ll probably understand if someone gives me examples of how this could be used against me.
Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago
I am dumb. What would cops want with my prescription information? I’ll probably understand if someone gives me examples of how this could be used against me. 1 year ago
Suppose the Texas cops start calling every pharmacy in New Mexico and asking for everybody who bought mefisteprone, then cross-referencing to Texas residents? Or looking through the records of every Texas pharmacy to see who got it before the law changed?
Imagine you were trans and getting HRT. Or cis and getting hormones prescribed to you for medical reasons. You think a transphobic cop cares to know the difference?
Or imagine you have more than one sex partner (it’s lemmy, so I know that’s a reach) and are on PrEP. Or for that matter, got sexually assaulted and were recommended to do a course of PEP. You think a homophobic cop gives a shit why?
Do you want your local cops knowing that you take viagra? Or that you pick up cream to treat herpes every month? Or that you take oxytocin because your hand got crushed in a car accident and the pain never ever stops without it?
Do you want your local police force to know every doctor who wrote a prescription for you?