The IT scene has changed a lot since their time unfortunately. Many of us have to pick up new stuff quickly for our jobs in a very low time often. While going through proper materials is a way, one may or may not have time for full “trial and error” method.
Unfortunately, this is how it has always been, at least for me over the last thirty+ years of programming. It has been getting better, but there are still a bunch of old school assholes who seem to think that being shamed and learning everything through personal trial and error is the best way to learn because that is how they learned. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I have no horse in this race, but most beginner questions are covered on StackOverflow, the language docs, etc. Closing a question as a dupe (accurately) leads the asker to the answer, and centralizes the information to that one thread, making it more helpful for those who learn to search before asking. 1 year ago
Beginners, in general, can’t simply read a long list of things and give out which one of the things applies to their question. So simply closing as a dupe without any guidance is not good.
And even simply closing and marking as a dupe is fine. But that’s not what the person I’m responding to and I are talking about. Having someone come in and shame a beginner and then ban their account is not mentioned in your response, but is the shitty behavior that needs to change. 1 year ago
I think they were talking about dupes of non-catch-all questions