1 year ago
I’ve seen this myself - so you could say this article confirms my bias. People who otherwise appear to be reasonable and intelligent - they are falling for what seem obviously untrue. But after doing research, and seeing the same ideas regurgitated in many places, it gives credence to the original idea.
This happens over and over again and I think people exacerbate the problem by then engaging in dialogue with other users, where they argue and become entrenched. Now their ego is tied to this position and changing course based on new information means admitting something they’d rather not . . 1 year ago
You are absolutely right about repetition being key in how people are radicalized. It spreads through a social contagion effect, in which one is repeatedly exposed to extremism and this is reinforced by members of the in-group.
You can see the citations for this claim in the beginning of this article I published after doing my own research (hahaha).
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