Comment on Five People Founded Tesla, But Only Elon Musk Became Extremely Rich 1 year agoI see that being said quite often.
Is there any actual proof of this or is it speculation?
In low density population areas, it seems to me that laying fiber would be cost prohibitive, but I’d like to be proven wrong. 1 year ago
Each satellite is worth 250k @ 5,500 units currently (and its still garbage unless its your only option). And this is just the cost of satilites
Worse case scenario for laying fibre is $80,000 for 1 mile
You do the shit maths and that is 17,187.5 miles (not km) of fibre for what is currently inLEOa excluding the price of launching these POS into the nights sky. So for best case senario every 18 months that is how much fibre lines Elon could be laying.
From Maine to Sandiego is 3,305 miles