It’s not parenthesis (in the PEMDAS sense), it’s the unit type and it’s normally expressed like that. If you’re not familiar with type systems, it’s the typing equivalent of void
[deleted] 1 year ago 1 year ago
[deleted] 1 year ago
I’m not sure what you’re asking. Plenty of modern languages use the unit type; typescript, Rust, not sure you consider Haskell a modern language.
From the look of it, this language seems to use it in a function signature declaration, which would make sense. 1 year ago
Although, i would agree with it not necessarily being “friendly”, since its a drastically different syntax than many beginners would be used to, the brackets and parenthesis here are not what you think they are.
Unison is a language in the style of Haskell, F#, Purescript, Elm, etc. So that first line is actually type annotations.
In Haskell, this would just be
main :: IO ()
, meaning a function named main with no arguments and produces what is essentally a potentially-unsafe IO action with a Void return (the empty parenthesis () ).Here in Unison they call the bracket part “abilities” or something. Its saying the same thing as Haskell, but being more explicit in saying it can raise an exception. 1 year ago
Yeah sorry - that’s just unnecessarily obtuse. Programming languages just don’t need to be that convoluted. Hello world should look something like this:
print("Hello, World!") 1 year ago
You don’t need the annotation line in Haskell-esque languages, most of the time. Without the annotation, this is Hello World in Haskell:
main = print "Hello, World!"