Its about the money, but the money in the long term.
They will gladly sacrifice short term money, by strangling or usurping anything they perceive as a possible competitor and threat to their long term money.
because as long as they sit on the top and kill everything beneath them, the long term money will always come. 1 year ago
What I still don’t get is the amount of evangelists and fanboys back them among very competent or geeky people.
Competent - pretty important developers in FOSS would simp for those companies (I’m not talking about employment, but about really just simping).
Geeky - it wouldn’t be rare to find a Gentoo user simping for Google or Apple.
It’s as if it were some madness spread in the air. 1 year ago
Just cause someone is competent or intelligent, doesnt mean they are smart or wise. 1 year ago
Yes, wisdom is an underrated trait ; popularity of making fun of such a thing as “Unix philosophy” among *nix users doesn’t help. 1 year ago
There’s people on both sides of every fence who get there through circumstance rather than cognizance.