It doesn’t take a real world test to know you’re wrong. It’s as simple as thinking about it for a couple minutes. It’s a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Having the chip built into a bag means they have to scan the bag which means they have to orient a bag around to get it positioned correctly for scanning. This is objectively more difficult than using a card.
Also, you now have to deal with all the problems that come with bags if the chip is built into the bag you have to use THAT bag for that store. You can’t find a bag, crate, whatever that is to your liking and use it when you go shopping. You have to carry the specific bag for the specific store you are going into instead of getting one that you use everywhere which means having a bunch of different bags for all the stores you go to. If the bag is damaged you now have to get an entirely new bag instead of just a replacement card. If you live with other people that also have their own memberships then you will have to keep even more bags around. 1 year ago
As it doesn’t exist yet, we can imagine anything. Like thesr chips being in handles for example. 1 year ago
Which would be cumbersome. 1 year ago
I would’ve loved to have me and you being managers of the same shop in neighboring districts to test it and see if I’m wrong. 1 year ago
It doesn’t take a real world test to know you’re wrong. It’s as simple as thinking about it for a couple minutes. It’s a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Having the chip built into a bag means they have to scan the bag which means they have to orient a bag around to get it positioned correctly for scanning. This is objectively more difficult than using a card.
Also, you now have to deal with all the problems that come with bags if the chip is built into the bag you have to use THAT bag for that store. You can’t find a bag, crate, whatever that is to your liking and use it when you go shopping. You have to carry the specific bag for the specific store you are going into instead of getting one that you use everywhere which means having a bunch of different bags for all the stores you go to. If the bag is damaged you now have to get an entirely new bag instead of just a replacement card. If you live with other people that also have their own memberships then you will have to keep even more bags around.