In all their supposed intelligence, it seems they haven’t thought it through much
They are brainwashed by capitalism. Unable to perceive a world where money becomes worthless.
Comment on Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Top-Secret Hawaii Compound | WIRED 1 year ago
Their wealth is almost entirely composed of equity, which topples if the world fails. All the cash they have to build these mansions is derived from this. The value of cash itself is derived from this. The only things of worth in a post-apocalyptic world are the tangible things they bought with cash while it was worth something. Shelter, food generation, defense… those are still worth something, along with more important things: physical skills and practical knowledge.
They will find themselves in their mansion-bunker, surrounded by people who they have paid to be there, in a world where the currency they use to pay them has failed. Do they not see what will happen? Even if their plan involves complete self-isolation, how do they plan on maintaining these massive properties and fixing things when they break? Perhaps they have a plan to close themselves off to some smaller, easier to maintain part of it. But then what is the whole point if all you have is solitary confinement? Even if it all works and they can survive it, they will eventually emerge into a world that has failed, where their wealth means little to nothing and the skills that built that wealth are as useful as ornamental testicles on a monster truck.
Why do they put their money toward projects like this, instead of towards ways to make the world more stable so that it doesn’t fail in the first place. If I had the immense wealth they have, which was completely contingent on the world and people that it stood upon, I would do everything I could to make sure the world would not fall apart. And if it wasn’t enough and it was failing still, I would spend even more until almost nothing was left. Building a fortress in a failing state is stupid, and history can tell you that with 5 minutes of reading.
In all their supposed intelligence, it seems they haven’t thought it through much… or I am missing something glaring.
In all their supposed intelligence, it seems they haven’t thought it through much
They are brainwashed by capitalism. Unable to perceive a world where money becomes worthless.
He probably had a room built and filled with bottle caps. 1 year ago
Boston Dynamic dogs, Tesla Optimus, and so on. Why pay humans if you can automate them and have drones do all those tasks for you. 1 year ago
Maintenance. 1 year ago
End game is bots maintaining themselves, automated production lines for parts etc. 1 year ago
Factorio game be like 1 year ago
Yes but every system is bound to fail. If you depend on robots for maintenance and their auto maintenance breaks, you are in a lot of trouble.