Comment on What do you use to manage secrets in your network? 1 year agoDoes pass
have an API I can use in Ansbile/Terraform/IaC tools?
Comment on What do you use to manage secrets in your network? 1 year agoDoes pass
have an API I can use in Ansbile/Terraform/IaC tools? 1 year ago
It’s a cli tool, so you can call it within another call using dollar sign syntax
terraform apply --var "myvalue=$(pass path/to/value)" 1 year ago
Could you tell me how I can use pass whilst authenticating an application with something akin to identities? I.e. I need application 1 to be able to access a certain key but I don’t want application 2 to be able to do so. How would I be able to restrict access to keys?
A bit about the scenario: I will be running this in a VM which will act as my central password suite on the network, which I will access using a password/keys. 1 year ago
Pass can’t do this. 1 year ago
I might actually have to use Conjur for temporary credentials in my network. Thanks 1 year ago