problem often causes damage before is addressed
pre block be safer
You build a bridge. After awhile it might start to decay and without proper upkeep it might even collapse! Better to never build a bridge in the first place.
defederate later
problem often causes damage before is addressed
they signed up for threads
problem often causes damage before is addressed
pre block be safer
You build a bridge. After awhile it might start to decay and without proper upkeep it might even collapse! Better to never build a bridge in the first place.
I'd rather not build a bridge to the land of festering pustules to begin with
bridge wont hurt you when decay 1 year ago
If that's how you want to run your instance, that's your right to do. But for community-based instances, the users should have some say in the matter.
Yes, I can move to another instance if mine decides to defederate, but that's a lot of hassle that I'd have to go through because of a decision somebody else made for me, all because they can't or won't moderate themselves. 1 year ago
If you don't like decisions somebody else makes for you, then run your own instance. 1 year ago
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