Nobody ever likes anything
If you really don’t believe me, check out - my Searx instance which I stopped using because of Kagi.
Nobody ever likes anything
If you really don’t believe me, check out - my Searx instance which I stopped using because of Kagi. 1 year ago
When we’re talking about the issues of search engines, and a whole bunch of people come in and “organically” promote a paid service, then my astroturfing detection rises up. This is how modern advertisement works and it fucking sucks. 1 year ago
I get what you’re saying, but it’s not very nice to accuse people of astroturfing when you can quickly look at their other posts/comments.
Literally every person in this subthread who said something positive about Kagi is very clearly just a normal user who has recently posted things completely unrelated to it, judging by their history.
Maybe I’m being naive about how sophisticated these campaigns have gotten, but it seems unlikely that a small company will invest the effort in making it seem this believable on such a niche platform.