It turns off so that it doesn’t do anything stupid after the cash as the sensors or systems might be damaged, it still gets counted as a crash where autopilot was active.
We also receive a crash alert anytime a crash is reported to us from the fleet, which may include data about whether Autopilot was active at the time of impact. To ensure our statistics are conservative, we count any crash in which Autopilot was deactivated within 5 seconds before impact, and we count all crashes in which the incident alert indicated an airbag or other active restraint deployed. <…> In practice, this correlates to nearly any crash at about 12 mph (20 kph) or above, depending on the crash forces generated. We do not differentiate based on the type of crash or fault
And if the time between the crash and autopilot disengaging is over 5 seconds, I think “your honor. I wasn’t driving when the car wrecked, it was the autopilot” doesn’t work either, especially as you are still always responsible for what the car does, autopilot or not. 1 year ago
More like a drunk Uber driver jumping out while you’re in the backseat and yelling “you got this” on the way out. 1 year ago
Lol, yeah. Like that. 1 year ago
Except he was in the front driver seat, with access to everything needed to bring it to a safe stop.