Comment on Epic Win against Google 1 year ago
The Epic Games that ironically has monopolised exclusive titles on their platform? That Epic Games? The same Epic Games done for violating kids privacy rights? Epic Games that makes it hard to get refunds? The Epic Games partly owned by Tencent who are known to be in bed with the CCP? That one? Epic who my be selling user data to the CCP and broke GDPR laws? And the Epic Games CEO who actively shits on Linux gamers? Are we talking about that Epic Games?
Meh, they can go to hell along with Google. 1 year ago
One of your questions don’t seem to be that based?
“shits on Linux gamers”, are you talking about the store not beeing available on linux? Meh already got heroic which is better.
Their easy anticheat is available through proton tho, it’s on the game dev to chose to enable it or not (and I understand why they don’t do it for fortnite : the Linux market is pretty small, but also because the game is so huge that hackers will not hesitate a bit to switch to Linux in order to hack with custom kernels). 1 year ago
They bought Rocket League and discontinued the Linux version for seemingly no reason. It was a dick move for sure. 1 year ago
Upgrading to DirectX 11 and 64-bit is a valid reason. The Linux version would probably require a rewrite for the 0.3%. Compare this to Valve making Steam unavailable on Windows 7 despite it being used by 0.75% of their users. 1 year ago
Sure. But in the context of Epic claiming that Google is a bad guy for telling Epic to pound sand, Epic telling video game owners who have owned a game for years to get fucked is a bad look.