Comment on What are your opinion on in-person conferences? ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

As someone that works in the events industry.

Conferences are about the networking and social aspects.
This is not achievable through virtual or prerecorded aspects.
I’ve done gigs where a few CEOs zoom/teams/whatever in to show face.
I’ve done gigs where it’s all in 1 location with only people in the room.
I’ve done gigs where it’s people in the room, but some satellite venues that “dial in” (even done a few of the satellite venues).
I’ve done gigs with CSuites at multiple locations, and each site takes turns presenting some part of the conference.
Honestly, all of this can be done via zoom or some other platform to much the same effect.

What you can’t get is the face-to-face time, incidental conversations, random introductions, and drunken conversations that happen over lunch, coffee, bar and dinner events.
And I see this in “happier” clients. TBH, the good clients. The ones that have interesting presentations and engaged audiences are also the ones who benefit most from these extra social interactions.
The gigs where it’s some death-by-powerpoint should have just been a zoom meeting, or dare I say just an email or 2.

So, I’d say it’s how invested you are in the topic.
If it’s something you care about (or affects you directly): go in-person. You will get more from the event than is what is on the schedule.
If it’s something you have to go to, save the planet: watch it online (or whatever is the minimum mandated by your company). You aren’t going to benefit from the social aspects, leave that to you manager.

I am seeing the trend of team leaders and key people attending conferences, with many others watching virtually (like a 1:4 ratio).
