Comment on Anytype has open sourced all their repos! Self hosting now possible! 1 year ago
It looks interesting as an app, but in context of self-hosting there are couple of speed bumps:
- The server side is quite complicated. (compared to Joplin for example) It’s multiple services and it also needs Mongo, Redis and S3. Makes sense for them to do it this way to be able to scale up, but for few users hosted locally it’s quite a lot of moving parts.
- You need to compile client apps to self-host. This effectively kills this as an option on iOS. 1 year ago
Oof yeah if you can’t use their app store client with a selfhosted instance then that’s a major barrier. You’d have to use xcode to build and sideload it, so yeah effectively killing ios. I think that’ll come up in the self hosting discussion as that’s a pretty major omission. I assume that will be easy enough to remedy in the near future