Comment on Wikimedia Foundation calls on US Supreme Court to strike laws that threaten Wikipedia 1 year ago
I’ve said this before. They are targeting the wrong layer!
They want to force websites to be neutral while allowing the internet providers to block and shape traffic however they want.
Force ISPs to allow access to all websites - good
Force ISPs to allow anyone to host a website at home - good
Force AWS to allow anyone to pay for and host websites on their infrastructure - probably good, but we’re approaching the line
Force websites to host any content a user submits - bad 1 year ago
It’s almost like they’re just wrong about everything. 1 year ago
It’s not about being right or wrong, they know what they’re doing. Quit giving them the benefit of the doubt.
They want to derail discourse so they can apply their politically expedient talking points without competition or questioning. 1 year ago
Wrong as in wrong-headed. They want to make everything worse.