Comment on Parking isn't as important for restaurants as the owners think it is 1 year agoYou are not entitled to impose the costs of your bycicle on the rest of society.
Bikes are a net benefit to society, even when you sufficiently inflate the costs of cycling by including things that are really caused by cars such (as the safety risk) as costs of cycling.
the article is complete bollocks ur taxes that go to roads isnt for the impact u have on it its for the goods and services that travel those roads that u consume
It’s both? Road maintenance is mostly paid for by council, which means its money comes from your rates bill (or your landlord’s rates bill, and this indirectly out of your rent). The rest is paid for out of state government revenue, such as GST. Every vehicle that uses a road does damage to it. That damage increase with the fourth power of weight (specifically, axle weight), so a car does about 10,000 times the damage of a bike (2000 kg over 2 axles, compared to 100 kg for bike + rider over 1 “axle”). There’s so much variety in trucks that it’s difficult to pin down one number for them, but yes, they do a lot more than cars.
However, the thing is…the damage done by trucks is caused indirectly by both car users and cyclists, because both drivers and cyclists…buy things. So it’s a neutral factor in this conversation. Not relevant. 1 year ago
If its a neutral factor then why didnt the article factor it out? 1 year ago
I don’t really know what you mean.