Comment on I don't know why American Christians are against abortion...

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

False Dichotomy: The message presents only two options: either adopt someone or support the hypothetical alternative, which is framed quite negatively as ‘murdering the children’. This is a false dichotomy because there are many other potential courses of action and viewpoints someone could have on the topic in question.

Ad Hominem: The phrase “would you just prefer murdering the children instead?” is an ad hominem attack, targeting the person instead of addressing the argument or issue at hand. Ad hominem attacks are often used as a distraction technique and they are logically fallacious because they don’t actually engage with the argument itself.

Red Herring: The reference to being unable to afford a house is a red herring – it’s a point that may seem related, but it’s actually not relevant to the question of adoption. One’s ability to afford a house has no inherent connection to one’s ability or willingness to adopt a child.

Generalization Fallacy: The argument seems to assume that adoption is the only viable or morally acceptable option once a person is married and has a house. This is a generalization that does not take into account the variety of individual circumstances, opinions, and potential solutions that exist.
