Yeah, I was a believer of Linux on the desktop back in 2003-2005, but there’s no way I could have converted my dad.
Comment on Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users 1 year agoOne interesting point is that some aspects of Linux are actually really good for people who struggle to learn new things as a lot of things on Linux are very consistent, and don’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel every few years like Microsoft.
Because anyone with older relatives or tech illiterate friends knows the fear of a looming new Windows release on having those people suddenly be asking us how to do basic things like change the WiFi network due to Microsoft changing it again.
And for some strange reason young people somehow getting a sense of superiority due to the fact they were able to find the new menu before their parents that was perfectly good before Microsoft changed it again. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Which is why I don’t update machines till they die. If it works, don’t mess with it.
I’m so tired of MS moving stuff around.