Comment on Weapon rarity irks me to no end. 1 year ago
Let’s say you have a real world “firearm” like the Mossberg Shockwave:…/50659_590_shockwave_wrhx6vjw8s0lqw…
12 gauge, pump action, 5+1 capacity.
The action and machinery on it is the same as the full size 590, but the shorter barrel and birds head stock changes the performance on it.
On either of them, you make one small modification and now you can use “shorty” shells. So instead of 5+1 or 6+1, now you’re looking at 9+1, maybe more. 1 year ago
But those are still modifications. In SF, you can have identical weapons, and they will have different damage just because of some rarity thing.
Also, minishells are cool af. I just wish my semi-auto could cycle them. 1 year ago
The Mossberg uses a little rubber plug to take up the extra space, that’s the mod. 1 year ago
Oh I know, Ive seen it. Youre basically just short shucking it. But its still a mod.