Step 1: Status quo immigration
Step 2: loosening child labor laws and the regulatory state
Step 3:???
Step 4: capitalism has now captured a new second class to extract this resource! Profit!
Comment on A hidden deposit of lithium in a US lake could power 375 million EVs 1 year ago
It really doesn’t seem feasible, I mean how are they going to get the third world children there to mine it?
Step 1: Status quo immigration
Step 2: loosening child labor laws and the regulatory state
Step 3:???
Step 4: capitalism has now captured a new second class to extract this resource! Profit!
Were already at step 2, you can ask the governor of AR.
Ah, AR, that infamous state where a mother killed her three babbys.
Same way the meat packing industry does? 1 year ago
Step 1: Loosen current child labor laws (We’re here now) …