Comment on Merging two objects (I'm a beginner) 1 year ago
Does something like this works for you?…/view?usp=sharing
I just imported the 2 stls in blender put them together, like in the same place as you wanted
Selected both as seen in the image, then File -> export -> STL. Make sure you have “selection only”.
Export it, open it in your favorite slicer, and that should work.
Blender can do a lot, I use it to design and modify a lot of things from thingiverse too, and I have learned a lot of tricks on blender too.
I also want to learn freecad to do stuff from scratch, but in the meantime blender does what I need. 1 year ago
Something like that last image is exactly what I’m trying to do! I probably could have described it better.
I think it’s probably a bit more complex than I thought, and I’m not sure it’s doable it tinkerCAD (i couldn’t find any way to trim objects…perhaps i’m just missing it). I’m gonna play with windows 3d builder soon when I get a chance I think. 1 year ago
If you can’t make it work with other programs you could do this with the boolean modifier in blender. I’ll give you a rough rundown of the necessary steps.
To cut the adapter to the right size you first create a cylinder that has the correct circumference and place it in the centre of the adapter. Then you select the adapter object and add a boolean modifier that should look like this.
You can then apply the modifier (by clicking on the small arrow in the upper right corner of the modifier card) and remove the cylinder again.
if you are happy with the result you can then move on to the next step. You could now merge the adapter again with a boolean modifier (although this time you have to select union) but if you want it to be recessed in the case you have to do another step first otherwise it would just fill the recess in the adapter model you have. You simply add another cylinder and scale it so it is slightly larger than the recess in the adapter and remove it from the case again by using a boolean modifier but with difference selected this time.
I hope this helps a bit. I know that if you don’t know blender this explanation won’t be enough to do this but if you have any questions then feel free to ask.