The closest grocery store closest to my house is the only self-checkout store around me that still uses scales and they’re awful. There are certain items it doesn’t pick up on and it forces you to bag your groceries after checking out, making everything slower. I avoid that place at all costs, even though it’s the closest to me.
Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year agoIs this really something people struggle with? I don’t understand this complaint. I haven’t actually heard that alert in decades. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I think they all still have scales, but I think most people’s problems must be with poorly-calibrated ones or something. I haven’t had trouble with them in a very long time. What I have trouble with is the camera above assuming I’m stealing and summoning a person every single time. 1 year ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the ones I use have a disabled scale, but only that one grocery store I mentioned actually uses it. It could be that they have poorly calibrated scales, but if that’s the case, then all of the ones they use are. Self-checkout everywhere else is a breeze. 1 year ago
When I worked at a grocery store, the attendant could override the “unexpected item” alert and it would re-tare the scale, causing problems for the next person if it wasn’t actually broken. I bet that’s what’s happened at the store you avoid; just years and years of careless attendants overriding too quickly and messing up the calibration. 1 year ago
still alive and well at CVS in Manhattan as of last week. using your own bag just instantly locks the machine, even if you want to place it on the floor. I just abandoned it and went to the real checkout. 1 year ago
Interesting. Around here they all have options for if you’re using your own bag. You just hit the button and it tells you to put your bags on the machine, and then you go on with your life. Sad they haven’t rolled that out everywhere. 1 year ago
You heard that message decades ago? 1 year ago
Yep. My local grocery store had them in 2003, and that was probably the last time I heard that message. 1 year ago
Okay buddy 1 year ago
But you still haven’t answered the question yet. I’m not saying I don’t have any problems with self checkout, but I never have that problem anymore, and haven’t since the Bush administration.