Comment on Programmer tries to explain binary search to the police 1 year agoYou are trying really hard for some reason to fit a binary search into a discussion about a situation where it clearly does not belong. Very weird but very passionate I applaud you. 1 year ago
The actual/origiinal OP talks about a binary search.
Changing the focal point of discussion to fit your narration is not intellectually honest.
You’re trying to change the discussion focus point to kill the messenger. 1 year ago
Seriously, my guy. Are you having a mental breakdown or what? You’re accusing rational people who are just trying to explain why you’re being odd of being botnet responses, you’re constantly moving your goal posts and accusing everyone else of doing it, you’re being intellectually dishonest and accusing everyone else of doing it.
You are being transparently and irrationally defensive all because you can’t admit you made a mistake. Surely you can see this is no way to go through life and no way to spend your time, right? I’m worried about you. 1 year ago
Because you can judge that from tax off of an Internet comment, right? Don’t be insulted, I’ve at least treated everyone here with enough respect when I’ve conversed with them not to accuse them of being mentally ill.
Go find my conversation with others about the Falkland Islands and you’ll see the quote that I’m speaking about, that made me make that statement.
No, I haven’t, and others have. I stand by what I’ve said.
My own words phrase exactly the same way coming right back at me. Hmm, I wonder where I’ve seen that before?
What mistake, exactly? That a binary search never works? I’ve never said that. That a binary search works 100% of the time? I’ve never said that either. What I’ve stated is that the majority of the time a binary search would work.
I’m retired, I have time on my hands, and I’m a computer nerd, so I spend that time on the Internet, like I suspect many other people do as well. And I enjoy arguing a point when I feel I’m right, I enjoy a good discussion though these days that rarely ever happens on the Internet.
Why are you trying so hard to discredit me, to kill the messenger? I appreciate your concerns, but I’m doing just fine, we’re just arguing a point on the Internet. 1 year ago
Ok. I initially responded that I didn’t even read your response, because I didn’t, and I just asked again if you are OK. And I really meant it.
But that seemed rude, so I deleted it, and I read your comment. I’m going to skip over the earlier parts and move to the end of your comment.
Ok! That makes me feel better. If you’re just mixing it up and having fun arguing on the internet, I get it. You’ve got time and you’re having fun. That’s cool, man. It just comes off a little weird to people, I feel.
I, while I respect what you’re saying, don’t want to spend time arguing the point. If I could, I would just like to explain to you what my understanding of the situation is, and then, if you disagree, I’ll respect that.
Binary search is effective for many things. However: imagine a camera on a blank white wall that was recorded for 24 hours.
At some point during that 24 hours, two people crossed in front of the wall the was being recorded, and one punched the other and then ran out of frame, and the other person ran after them out of frame. The entire time on screen was a few seconds. The wall was completely unchanged by the encounter.
In that very particular instance, rare as it might seem, binary search will not be more efficient for locating the footage. Does that make sense?