Comment on There's no money for education and health care but they'll always find some for war. 1 year agostill quite a bit away from “millions” the HIGHEST (by a significant margin) for Iraq is 1.033 million, and that is total excess death, not casualties and for Afghanistan it barely reaches 200,000 in 20 years
so no, Hundreds of thousands is correct, Millions is Soviet territory 1 year ago
More than a million is “millions”. And if we’re talking about total historical deaths attributable then the US has the USSR beat by a lot. Neoliberal capitalism is just as bloodthirsty as state capitalism, except the US had more time and power to kill people. 1 year ago
I don’t think you anyone can beat Russia’s and all of it’s forms death toll in 20th+21th century. 1 year ago
They said Soviet so you’removing the goalposts, and I think if you really believe that Russia is worse then you need to educate yourself on US foreign interventions.
William Blum map of US interventions, out of date
Russia is bad, but they haven’t had nearly the global influence the US has had over the last century. The US is singularly militarily dominant. Any claims about other countries being bigger or badder is just fearmongering propaganda.
If we expand the scope to proxy wars then the US would have to be responsible for more deaths than any other single entity in human history. 1 year ago
They said Soviet territory . It is vague form of point to “Russia & company” among else witch BTW even during Soviet era had causee millions of people to die. Difference is though your comrades kept it secret while US made a lots of their shit public over the years. You have no idea what they did in under the wing of east block if you talk like that.